1.) How can we know the BOE exam dates of any particular state conducting this examination?
Usually the dates are declared only 2-4 months prior to the exam. After the declaration only a month period is given to submit the application form.
IBR department of every state is running under the department of labour of that state and usually a separate page is assigned in the website of the labour department for the concerned state.
Therefore to know the exam related information for a particular state one has to directly contact them.
2.) Syllabus, exam patterns, no. of papers, mode of exam will change State to state or Not.
As per the Notification by Government of India; Ministry of Commerce and Industry, all states conducting BOE and Boiler attendant certificate examination will have to follow the same rules mentioned under “The Boiler Operation Engineer’s Rules, 2011”.
3.) What are the required documents and how much is the exam fees for BOE.
The answer to the above queries are given below, which is available in “The Boiler Operation Engineer’s Rules, 2011” as clause 26 & 36.
26. Form of application.— Every application for examination shall be in Form ‘A’. The applicant shall fill in such part of the Form as are to be filled in by a candidate and shall sign the form in the presence of a Gazetted Officer or any Magistrate or his employer who shall attest his signature. The application so filled in shall be forwarded to the Secretary accompanied by—
(a) One attested copy of each of the testimonials in respect of academic qualifications, and originals along with their copies for practical experience of the candidate. All originals in respect of academic qualifications shall be produced at the time of interview;
(b) testimonials of good character from his employer with a certificate of age.
(c) a Treasury Challan or such other mode as the Government may specify in this behalf in support of payment of the fee specified in these rules for the examination at which the applicant prefers to appear; and
(d) two copies of recent passport size photographs (size 50mm x 65mm) one of which shall bear the signature of the applicant on the back, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer or candidate’s employer.
36. Fees for Examination.— Candidate for examination for certificate of proficiency as a Boiler Operation
Engineer shall pay a fee of Rs.1500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Only). Fee shall be paid by Treasury Challan or such other mode as the Government may notify in this behalf.
4.) Now I am working in M.P, suppose if I want to apply for the state other than M.P, NOC is required or Not. Please tell me the validity of that NOC and from whom we have to get that NOC.
A candidate can apply to appear for BOE from other state only if the state in which he is working is not conducting the examination that year. He has to take the NOC from the IBR department of his state which will be valid only for that year.
5.) How many possible attempts we can do for BOE.
No such limitation is applicable for BOE certificate examination. A candidate can attempt as many times as he wants. Only he should be working in boiler operation at that time.
6.) If I pass Gujarat BOE exam, will the certificate be applicable throughout India in all states.
The certificate is valid for any state after endorsement made from the concerned state.
Given below is the clause 24 & 25 of “The Boiler Operation Engineer’s Rules, 2011”
24. Endorsement on a Certificate.—
A person holding a Certificate of Proficiency as a Boiler Operation Engineer granted by a Board of any other State or Union Territory shall on application have the certificate endorsed for validity in the State or Union Territory in which he applies for services. Such endorsement shall be made by the Chairman of Board.
25. Fee.—
A Fee of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only) shall be paid for endorsement on the certificate which shall not be refundable. Fee shall be paid by Treasury Challan or such other mode as the Government may notify in this behalf.
7.) I am ravindra singh Shekhawat. I have completed my B.E from Rajasthan University in Electronics and communication engineering. Right now I am working in Thermax Limited as a shift in charge at J.K.Cement (Nimbahera). I want to ask some question
1. E&C engineer is applicable for BOE exam or not.
2. If applicable then which state allow for that and can you inform me when board declare the opening
You can see the eligibility criterion for the examination in our website following the link http://www.indiaboiler.co.in/boeonline/IMPlink/8.htm. As per the present rule, E&C Engineer is not eligible, but Instrumentation Engineering is. It is in our experience that since both the syllabuses are in line, some of the State IBR, at their own discretion may allow if you meet the experience criterion favourably.
However, in your case there is one more COMPLICATION!
You are an employee of Thermax Ltd. and working in O&M of Boilers, the owner of which is J K Cement and it is under their name, the subject Boiler is registered. You would therefore have to acquire the experience certificate from the owner, i.e. J K Cement Ltd. Who would confirm that you are working on their boiler on behalf of Thermax Ltd.
8.) I am a senior Engineer here in technical cell. I want to crack BOE and need study material for the same.
You can join our on-line course in which you would be given detailed study material required for BOE examination. We do not provide only study material.
9.) I am M.SC (CHEMISTRY) can I give this Exam?
You can see the eligibility criterion for the examination in our website following the link http://www.indiaboiler.co.in/boeonline/IMPlink/8.htm.
Though M.Sc. Chemistry is not included, you can approach certain state IBR department, who may allow at their discretion if you meet the experience criterion properly. It is in our knowledge that some of the State IBR allow you if they find you suitable, even if you are not completely fulfilling the eligibility criterion.
You can try at West Bengal.
10.) Is it totally online program? ( because I can’t be present myself there)?
This programme is conducted totally as on-line. There is a provision for 3 day’s direct classroom training but it is optional.
After the completion of on-line course, three day’s workshop would be conducted at Vadodara, Gujarat.
Candidates attending the 3 days direct interaction would have to give a test, which would be conducted during the concluding session. Upon successful completion of the test, a certificate would be issued by India Boiler dot Com, indicating the coverage of the training.
An on-line test would be conducted for those who are unable to attend the direct classroom training and the certificate would be sent to them after that.
11.) What is the course duration? From which date to which date?
12.) I wish to join this course. In your website you have mentioned that the course period will be 6months, but in Tamilnadu the BOE exam will be conducted in April. So can you complete the syllabus within that stipulated time period?
In this course, the participants are getting continuous access to the faculties who are available to answer all queries from the participants. In the website, it is mentioned that “The course has to be completed in
six months from the date of first log in.” ; which implies the maximum time by which you have to complete the course would be six months and the faculties would not be available after that. How soon can you complete this course would be up to you. However, in case of early examination dates, if the participants give us a prior intimation, then we can put special attention to them.